A Quest Called Life


Oguguam’s Definition of Life: A voyage intended for people to fulfill their destinies but due to societal ills is a low key battle zone between us and other beings.
 Whoever said life was a roller coaster couldn’t have said it any better. Life has its’ glory moments and it definitely has its’ shitty moments. Unfortunately a lot of people experience the shitty moments of life more than the good moments. Life is dynamic- forever and constantly changing. You can never grasp life because right when you think you have life all figured out, life laughs a hearty laugh and changes up on you once again leaving you back at square one.

 Recently I discovered that I’m not quite sure what I want to do with my life and I thought it was a taboo because I’m such a control freak when it comes to my future. You see before July if you asked me what I had in mind for myself concerning my future I’d reply you with such a beautiful plan. Come to find out, life changed up on me when I thought I understood the direction in which my life was going. I had to learn immediately that no one knows what’s in store for the next 24 hours, yet alone what’s in store for the next year and so on. All you can do is just work towards your future and hope for the best but also prepare for the worst.

 Life is actually meant to be taken a day at a time,but due to the hustle and bustle of this modern day generation we want to handle everything in one entire day. I often wonder how God looks down at us as we live in this self-inflicted frenzy called life. Does He find our habit to rush life funny, insulting or does He continue to whisper “patience my children”? I think this Modern day is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing in the sense that things are easier these days with technology and all and a curse in the sense that  life has been made into an everlasting game of who’s better than who or a task due to the demands of living a decent life in this modern age.

 I honestly wish I was born in the early 80’s just so I could enjoy the 90’s because I feel like that was the right era to exist in. Movies meant something and things were operating at a nice pace. Music even meant something, I mean with artists such as:  A Tribe Called Quest, Erykah Badu, Tupac, Common, The Pharcyde, Mos Def, etc how wouldn’t you enjoy Life? They knew a little something about life and its’ perils;they were intellectual without actually having to go to university. I think if I just got to enjoy those ten years of the 90’s era my life would be forever made.   
 Anyways back to my point,It’s actually impossible in this modern age to treat life with that much ease, even I can’t do that as much as I yearn to. But we can learn how to be at peace with ourselves during certain situations we face in life. It certainly helps maybe not immediately but down the line you’ll see the gain of doing such. Beating yourself up and wondering about what went wrong does nothing for you except give you the chance to either have hypertension or high blood pressure. So when life decides to change up on you don’t break down, okay maybe you can break down at least once whether it’s by crying ,yelling, or whatever releases stress but after that get yourself together and continue on your path to greatness  After all Rome wasn’t built in one day they definitely had fuck ups along the way.